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Use onPrehydrate to run a callback on the client immediately before Nuxt hydrates the page.

This composable is available in Nuxt v3.12+.

onPrehydrate is a composable lifecycle hook that allows you to run a callback on the client immediately before Nuxt hydrates the page.

This is an advanced utility and should be used with care. For example, nuxt-time and @nuxtjs/color-mode manipulate the DOM to avoid hydration mismatches.


onPrehydrate can be called directly in the setup function of a Vue component (for example, in <script setup>), or in a plugin. It will only have an effect when it is called on the server, and it will not be included in your client build.


  • callback: A function that will be stringified and inlined in the HTML. It should not have any external dependencies (such as auto-imports) or refer to variables defined outside the callback. The callback will run before Nuxt runtime initializes so it should not rely on the Nuxt or Vue context.


<script setup lang="ts">
declare const window: Window
// ---cut---
// onPrehydrate is guaranteed to run before Nuxt hydrates
onPrehydrate(() => {

// As long as it only has one root node, you can access the element
onPrehydrate((el) => {
  // <div data-v-inspector="app.vue:15:3" data-prehydrate-id=":b3qlvSiBeH:"> Hi there </div>

// For _very_ advanced use cases (such as not having a single root node) you
// can access/set `data-prehydrate-id` yourself
const prehydrateId = onPrehydrate((el) => {})

    Hi there